Becoming a Human Dynamics® Facilitator involves learning to lead groups within organizations and taking people through a process of self-discovery.  We have found that facilitating Human Dynamics is a very rewarding and life-changing experience that profoundly enhances the life of the facilitator as well as the lives and well-being of others.

Below are some of the requirements we look for in those who wish to become licensed facilitators:

Personal Qualifications:

  • The work of Human Dynamics requires that facilitators be essentially non-judgmental in their dealings with other people.  This includes a lack of prejudice about any of the personality dynamic groups, including their own.
  • It is important that facilitators understand their own feelings and be able to speak those feelings in a responsive mode rather than a reactive one.
  • Facilitators need to have a high level of soft skills to work effectively with people.
  • To deepen the knowledge of Human Dynamics, facilitators should actively seek opportunities for continued learning and personal development.
  • The choice to become a facilitator must be your own.  Even if you are selected by your company to become trained, the decision ultimately is yours and should be based upon your willingness to be of service to others.  

Group Facilitator Skills:

  • Facilitators should demonstrate the basic skills required to present information clearly to groups of 25-40 people, including re-framing potential misunderstandings, demonstrating patience, and maintaining an atmosphere of trust and openness in a seminar context.
  • To conduct a seminar, facilitators need to understand the distinctions between facilitation and teaching so that they are able to maintain the structure of the seminar while encouraging the group process and individual contributions.
    • Facilitators must have the flexibility to be able to adjust themselves in the moment to respond to questions and situations that emerge in the seminar in appropriate ways for the different personality dynamics.


  • Time:  A facilitator needs to make the commitment to deliver six or more Human Dynamics® seminars a year to build skill and experience.  Another requirement is the participation in our quarterly online group meetings (presented by our Senior Trainer(s)) to help resolve any difficulties or issues that may be encountered, and to keep up to date with skills, updates and new materials.
  • Teamwork:  We require that our programs be delivered by two facilitators (preferably of different personality dynamics).  Each facilitator should welcome collaboration with their co-facilitators and others in the Human Dynamics® network.
  • Practice:  It is also vital that facilitators conduct their personal and professional interactions in keeping with the values and understandings of Human Dynamics.

Facilitator Training Inquiry

Becoming an effective leader in today’s world, requires the ability to recognize your natural approach, know your innate strengths and capacities and how to apply them in your interactions with others. This ability to capitalize on your own and others natural capacities is developed through understanding three universal principles – mental, emotional, and physical – that form the five primary human patterns, or personality dynamics.